To find out your grades for the previous semester, please go to your OASIS account.


If you have an Incomplete for a class and have now completed the work, contact the instructor of the course. Once your work has been received, they will initiate the necessary paperwork to update your grade in the course. An Incomplete can be assigned only if there is work not completed because of documented illness or some other emergency occurring after the twelfth week of the semester. Arrangements for the Incomplete and the Incomplete removal must be initiated by the student and agreed to by the instructor. The deadline for completing an Incomplete, as of Fall 2001, is a maximum of one calendar year after the Incomplete is assigned. An Incomplete course that is not completed by the deadline changes to an Expired Incomplete (IX), and on your record it will count as units taken for which no grade-points have been earned. In other words, an IX has the same effect on your GPA as an F.

Missing Grade:

If you have a Missing Grade (MG) or an erroneous grade for a course, the grade correction must be requested by the instructor. Students cannot request grade changes. All grade correction requests are reviewed by the registrar's office, and are generally granted only if there was an administrative error in assigning the grade. If you believe your grade should be changed but the instructor feels the grade is appropriate, you must appeal in writing to the chair of the division offering the course by the end of the following semester (excluding summer).

Consult the USC Catalogue for more information on grading procedures.